Ouroboros News - — Decisões informadas
US unemployment rate hits lowest level since 1969: what does this mean for the economy?
Decisões informadas Desemprego Educação financeira fed Indicadores técnicos jerome Powell

We will discuss the impact of the inflation rate reaching the lowest level since 1969. We will analyze the causes of this economic phenomenon, as well as its implications for the economy and society.
How to invest during a bear market: essential strategies and tips.
Análise Fundamentalista Decisões informadas Educação financeira Estratégias de investimento Mercado financeiro

Fundamental Analysis: How to make investment decisions
Análise Fundamentalista Decisões informadas Educação financeira Investimentos Mercado financeiro Tomada de decisão

The next bull run in cryptocurrencies already has a date set and will be in the East!
análise técnica BullRun Cameron Winklevoss cripto criptomoeda Decisões informadas Educação financeira EUA Oriente tendências

At least that's what Cameron Winklevoss, one of the best-known twins in the field of cryptocurrency investments, claims. And guess what? The US is lagging behind! In a post on Twitter, Winklevoss pointed out that while US regulators are busy stepping up retaliation against major companies in the sector, the country is missing an opportunity to become a key part of the future global financial infrastructure. And he's not the only one who thinks so! Many people are concerned that the US is trying to covertly crack down on the entire cryptocurrency industry. Is the US government afraid that cryptocurrencies...
Denial is the beginning of poverty.
análise técnica Decisões informadas Educação financeira Estratégias de investimento Finanças pessoais Independência financeira Investimentos Mudança de mentalidade Pai Rico Pai Pobre Planejamento financeiro Professores de verdade Riqueza e pobreza Risco nos investimentos Robert Kiyosaki