Ouroboros News - — Mudança de mentalidade

Denial is the beginning of poverty.

análise técnica Decisões informadas Educação financeira Estratégias de investimento Finanças pessoais Independência financeira Investimentos Mudança de mentalidade Pai Rico Pai Pobre Planejamento financeiro Professores de verdade Riqueza e pobreza Risco nos investimentos Robert Kiyosaki

Denial is the beginning of poverty.

Robert Kiyosaki's book "Rich Dad Poor Dad" highlights the importance of finding real teachers and avoiding denial for financial success. It's critical to have teachers who really understand the subject and can teach you the skills you need to be successful in the world of finance. Technology has facilitated access to investments, but it is necessary to understand how they work and how to choose the best options. The book offers valuable lessons on personal finance, investing and entrepreneurship, emphasizing the importance of investing in assets and becoming financially independent. Financial education is the key to building wealth and having long-term financial success.

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